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About Moonshot 4 HER

Our story

Moonshot 4 HER project is a large-scale initiative to inspire and empower 1M women globally to excel in the technology industry. This project is founded by Amy Daali, Ph.D. She is an accomplished AI expert, 2x founder, and passionate advocate for gender equality in tech.

Moonshot 4 HER is an extension of the work she has been doing for the past years to celebrate and amplify women’s voices in the tech space.


We believe women should be equal participants in our digital technology revolution. Our society needs the unique perspective that women bring in shaping future products and services. 


We are building a community of ambitious like-minded individuals who want to support women to shine and form authentic relationships. We are dedicated to helping women in tech access moonshot projects, tools and resources they need to stand out as leaders in their field.



About Amy

Amy is a seasoned leader in the tech space and a fierce advocate for gender equality in the tech industry. She has over a decade of experience in the technology industry, with a particular focus on AI and machine learning. 


Her passion and dedication to breaking down barriers and empowering women in tech led her to establish Moonshot 4 Her where she leads a global movement to inspire and empower 1 Million Tech Women.


Amy's vision for Moonshot 4 Her is to create a world where women are no longer underrepresented in tech, where their voices are heard, and their contributions are valued. She firmly believes that achieving gender equality in tech is not only a moral imperative but also critical for the industry's growth and innovation.


Amy is a sought-after thought leader and speaker on the topics of AI, machine learning, and data analytics. She has been a featured speaker at various conferences and events, including the Data Science Salon Conference, Women in Data Science Conference and IEEE conferences. She has also been a guest speaker on various podcasts and events, discussing topics such as data science, analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.


Amy is also the Founder of Lucea AI, an AI training company that equips organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their business operations.

She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Texas. She completed her dissertation on "Brain Tumor Classification Algorithm & Dynamical Modeling of Tumor Decay". With over a decade of experience in electrical engineering and biomedical imaging, she has deep technical skills in deep learning, computer vision, and advanced image and signal processing.


When she is not busy, she can be found sipping on a cup of coffee , indulging in some chocolate , or exploring a new corner of the world. Amy is always up for a good brainstorming session -especially if it involves coffee or chocolate!

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What are Moonshot Projects?

A moonshot project is an ambitious initiative with the goal of achieving something that is thought to be impossible – like landing on the moon! 


It means taking a huge leap forward with your ideas in order to solve an existing problem that is so groundbreaking it could drastically change the world.


 Moonshot Projects can be intimidating at first but they offer incredible opportunities for women in tech who are looking for new challenges.


They provide a platform for creativity and innovation while offering the chance to demonstrate their leadership skills and make real progress in their field.

Moonshot 4 Her was created to claim our space in a field where historically women have been underrepresented.

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